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General Information

Mausbär♡ Avatar
6 threads && 12 posts The rules and regulations are located here. Other important threads will be here as well. You can learn about the history behind the Tempus, clans, and the Tribe. You can also find the ranks and their duties here as well if you aren’t sure. The Tempus is a new addition so the Handbook is the best place to start to read more about the site.

Sub-board: Archives

Meo Avatar
3 threads && 3 posts All events and announcements will be placed here. Events are usually large threads with a good plot going and contests. Contests are for everyone to take place in if they choose to, for example, art contests, writing contests, etc.
Meo Avatar
8 threads && 10 posts Here are all five allegiances. Here is the tribe, clan, and tempus statistics. Basically the allegiances felines with in them. All the ranks. After characters are accepted, characters are added to the allegiances board in their correct clan, and or the tribe or Tempus.
Meo Avatar
4 threads && 6 posts Have a question you want to ask if you're confused, lost, or whatnot - ask here! This is the place to go. If there is a thread with your question, check the thread out instead of creating a new one. The staff will answer as soon as possible! Or, in here, you can find the FAQ! If a question in the FAQ isn’t answered, then go ahead and create a thread with you question.

Character Section

Mausbär♡ Avatar
15 threads && 29 posts This is where you create your characters! You must wait for your character to be accepted. Until your character is accepted you may not post anywhere IC (In-character) until then.

Sub-board: High Rank Auditions

Mausbär♡ Avatar
52 threads && 99 posts This board is for all the characters that have been accepted by the staff member. If your character is moved from 'Character Creation' to here, that means you may play IC with that cat! If it is not here you have to wait.

Sub-boards: CoastClan Bios, TideClan Bios, SumacClan Bios, Tempus Bios, The Tribe of Gushing Waters' Bios, Kittypet/Loner/Rogue

cerkowah Avatar
9 threads && 18 posts Cats who aren't wanted or don't have muse will be put out for adoption. Another reason is that they have too many cats they don't want anymore or just have kits they want to put up for adoption! Maybe you created a character that have siblings or parents (etc) that need roleplaying! Throw them up here.
Meo Avatar
8 threads && 10 posts Need somewhere to keep track of your characters? This is the place to do so! Have some dramatic, exciting, or unique plot? Go ahead and create a plotter!

Sub-boards: Plotters, Trackers

Meo Avatar
3 threads && 5 posts This is simply for your character and another character's cats to have kits. If you want kits, this is where you post the information. If you have bought an NPC male or female from the store PM Meoquanee or another staff member to speak with them about it.

Reminder: This is not for adopting kits! If the parents of the kits want to put some up for adoption you can find that in the adoption center.

Sub-board: Finished Litter Requests


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0 threads && 0 posts Here is where CoastClan resides, led by Dovestar. The camp is a cove filled with mini waterfalls and streams. It is absolutely massive, able to fit more than one hundred cats! CoastClan Camp is absolutely gorgeous, the high ranks tend to remain near the top of the waterfalls whilst lower ranks remain below where all those mini waterfalls and streams meet. Of course, there are rocks scattered everywhere, so that the cats wouldn’t be swimming constantly. Though, there are no fish whatsoever in the cove.
Meo Avatar
1 threads && 2 posts CoastClan territory is filled of mysterious wanders. CoastClan is the smallest of all the territories. They are farthest away from SumacClan, considering the two are enemies. CoastClan used to reside closest until the death of the first leader, Wildstar. CoastClan’s territory has a small beach with little bits of forest and other gorgeous structures and features, some may be jealous of. Other clans, along with the Tempus and Tribe are mainly jealous of CoastClan’s spring.

Sub-boards: Mist Fields, Mitigate Springs, Wandering Plants


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0 threads && 0 posts TideClan Camp is an ocean view cave engraved in a small mountain-like structure, which is on the beach. It appears to just be a mountain, but TideClanners know how to reach the cave, which is their camp, where they reside. TideClan being led by insert name. The cave can be reached where a small path leads to the entrance, but it’s puny, and the clear waters show this path. The path is underwater, in the shallow areas before it drops deeper. Those who can’t swim can possibly drown. The cave has a pink sandy surface, and minuscule ocean waves crash into the ginormous cave.
skykeeper Avatar
1 threads && 1 posts TideClan territory isn’t the most mysterious or exciting of them, but could be considered beautiful due to the views of the beach and it’s clear waters. The tide is strange in a way, considering the beach’s tide is abnormal, having high tide more often, whilst rarely a low tide. Low tide happens once in the time of twenty-four hours, which is at night. That’s when these cats come out to hunt. TideClan is closest to, well, more like neighbors to the Tempus.

Sub-boards: The Sandbar, Zephyr Beach, The Old Temple


Mausbär♡ Avatar
1 threads && 3 posts A damp and dark area of Zenith Island’s forest, where SumacClan resides, led by Owlstar. It is very dark, though, there is --during the day-- a dim light from the sun that peers through the bent trees which a soft bedded moss path. The area is wide and massive, and the trees are crooked with thicks and more leaves than average, which tends to keep rain from getting through!
Ghastjio Avatar
1 threads && 10 posts SumacClan territory is a very damp yet gorgeous rainforest-like woodland. The light that shines through the trees makes a dim light throughout the whole forest. The trees are tall, along with short wooded areas. The deeper oneself goes into SumacClan's territory, the darker it seems to get. Even with it's strange features, it is rather beautiful. Though, one unfortunate thing about SumacClan's territory is their one water source known as Black Creek.

Sub-boards: Black Creek, Wolf Hollow, Mushroom Fields

The Tempus

Mausbär♡ Avatar
1 threads && 5 posts The camp is surrounded by fallen logs, thick bushes with sharp thorns, and ivy. It’s a little tricky to get into without getting hurt, but a Tempus cat knows how to do it. The top is nearly fully open to see the moon and its phases, when rain or snow come the Tempus cats depend on their dens to shelter them fully.
Mausbär♡ Avatar
1 threads && 3 posts

Sub-boards: Soaring Cliff, Wild Flower Fields

The Tribe of Gushing Waters

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0 threads && 0 posts Tribe of Gushing Waters’ camp takes place in a small ‘mountain’ where it’s more like a jagged, sharp rock hill that attempts to kiss the sky. This ‘mountain’ is located at nearly the very edge of the island. The entrance to the camp is facing towards the ocean, the path to the camp is unknown to the rest of the cats. The camp is hidden by a large waterfall, taking the small trail from the front of the ‘mountain’ to the waterfall you will be lead right behind and into the camp. The camp itself is a huge mouth opening in the ‘mountain’, a natural mini lake rests in the very center, fueled by the ocean and the flowing waterfall. It’s often damp, moss, algae, and small mushrooms can be found inside the camp.
Mausbär♡ Avatar
4 threads && 16 posts

Sub-boards: The Fallen Mountain, Ashen Forest , The Waterfall Peak

Extra Territory

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0 threads && 0 posts This is where all three clans meet to discuss, and there are three streams that come together, which separates the three clans, breaking from Mist Fields, Black Creek, and The Old Temple. There is a rule, that if a leader attempts to cause corruption within the clans at The Three Streams, then the other two clans must tag team the clan who had attempted to cause battle or even the slightest corruption. Battle nor corruption is allowed. But leaders can argue, no further. Leaders are the only ones allowed to speak whilst standing upon the highstones on each side of their stream. However, when the leaders aren’t speaking, the clans are allowed to converse. Not everyone gets the opportunity to go to these meet-ups, the elderly and some of the strongest cats as well remain at camp, to protect their territory and camp.
Mausbär♡ Avatar
1 threads && 2 posts The unclaimed territory is another forest which is open for all other cats, loners, kittypets that ran off, and rogues. The rogues are cats who disobey the warrior code and roam mixing in with loners. The loners will roam wherever they want whenever, just be careful not to end up in a clan's camp or territory!

Sub-boards: The River, Downpath, The Gorge, The Marshland

Outside The Territories

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0 threads && 0 posts Just outside Tempus. The village is a smaller area, in a wooded area outside [insert tempus territory area]. The Village is a neighborhood of log houses, which each home has a small garden and often farm animals. There are also domestic dogs and of course, kittypets which are owned by the two-legs.

The Afterlife

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Sub-board: The Starry Forest

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Sub-board: The Mountain of Memories

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Sub-board: The Silver Bloom Forest

Creative Cafe

Mausbär♡ Avatar
2 threads && 8 posts Come introduce yourself! Or come and give us a goodbye if you're leaving us.
cerkowah Avatar
1 threads && 1 posts Leaving for a while? Give us a heads up!
cerkowah Avatar
3 threads && 3 posts Have a drawing you'd like to share? You can have a little stash for all your drawings!

Sub-board: Art Shops

cerkowah Avatar
1 threads && 1 posts Have a story, book, or anything else to do in the writers topic, go ahead and do so here!
Mausbär♡ Avatar
3 threads && 24 posts Have a game you'd like to share? Create a topic here for everyone to have fun and join in!


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42 threads && 50 posts
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7 threads && 7 posts
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